GIG Radiology is pleased to announce that we have selected Medical-Objects to deliver our electronic reports via Australia’s fastest secure point-to-point messaging network. Receiving reports electronically from GIG Radiology requires your practice to have the Medical-Objects download client installed. The Medical-Objects software and helpdesk support is provided to your practice free of charge on behalf of GIG Radiology.
Medical-Objects software is used by more than 48,000 health professionals Australia-wide, and is compatible with most practice management software such as Medical Director and Best Practice, and computer platforms including Windows and Mac. If you have no compliant practice management software, Medical-Objects can output reports in PDF format to a directory of your choice.
What is required?
1. To ensure there is no break in the continuity of receiving electronic reports from GIG Radiology, please complete the attached setup request form and return to Medical-Objects by fax or email (details can be found on the form).
Note: If you are already using Medical-Objects at your practice, please complete and return the form to allow Medical-Objects to update the registered providers at your practice.
2. Expect a call from a Medical-Objects technical officer to schedule a mutually agreeable time with your nominated staff member to install the program via remote internet access. This process takes approximately 10-20mins. Alternatively, Medical-Objects can supply instructions for your nominated IT Person to perform the installation.
Note: Medical-Objects technical support can perform the installation without having to stop any of your normal computer operations.
3. On completion of the installation, Medical-Objects will send you an information pack that will contain an introductory letter and technical support details.